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 A Not To Miss Workshop!

​Join our 6-week yoga workshop series, "Befriend Your Back," designed specifically to strengthen, support, and soothe your spine. Whether you're looking to ease back pain, improve posture, or simply deepen your practice, this series will provide you with tailored poses and techniques to cultivate a healthier back. Unlock the secrets to spinal health and enjoy a life of greater mobility and comfort. Embrace the journey toward a happier, healthier back!

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About Us

Satori signifies a moment of enlightenment, a flash of insight that changes one's understanding of life fundamentally. It is this experience that we aspire to facilitate for our students through each class, workshop, and session we offer. We believe that through the practice of yoga, everyone can experience their own moments of satori—insights that bring clarity and peace to our lives. Our philosophy is rooted in the belief that yoga is for everyone. We strive to create a warm, welcoming space where individuals from all walks of life can come together to practice, learn, and grow.


Our Founder: 

Jennifer's journey into the realms of yoga is as compelling as it is unique. With an illustrious life as a dancer, choreographer, and dance teacher, she has always been in tune with the power of movement and its impact on the human spirit. However, it was yoga that unveiled a new path of enlightenment and transformation for her. This profound experience not only changed her life but also ignited a passion to share the transformative power of yoga with others. Jennifer brings to Satori Yoga Shala her rich background in dance, infusing it with her yoga teachings to create a truly unique and dynamic yoga experience.


Satori Yoga Shala offers a wide variety of yoga classes, each designed to cater to different needs, preferences, and experience levels. From dynamic Vinyasa flows that challenge and invigorate to yummy restorative classes that focus on deep, meditative stretches with oodles of props, there is something for everyone. Special emphasis is placed on creativity within practice, allowing students to explore and express themselves freely under the guidance of our experienced instructors.


In addition to traditional yoga classes, we offer workshops and special series that delve deeper into the philosophical and practical aspects of yoga, including meditation, pranayama (breath work), and yoga nidra. Our commitment to education and growth ensures that our community is always evolving, learning, and deepening their practice.


Let us walk the path of discovery together, fostering a space where creativity meets tranquility, and where every individual is empowered to find their own satori.

Welcome to Satori Yoga Shala – where your journey to enlightenment begins.


Our Teachers

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Jennifer Davis
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Amanda Rea

Jennifer Davis has been a practitioner for over ten years and holds her certifications under the tutelage of Nikki Wong from Yoga Inside Out. She specializes in Power Vinyasa, Functional Flow, and Iyengar rooted Flow and Restorative classes. 

Amanda Rea is a celebrated yoga teacher known for her immense knowledge of yoga, warm personality, and the transformative experience of her classes. With years of dedicated practice and teaching, She specializes in Slower Flow, Half & Half, Restorative and noteworthy workshops like: AromaYoga

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Contact Us

Visit us at Satori Yoga Shala located at
4840 Mill Street Reno, NV 89502. Feel free to give us a call at (775) 354-9935 or email us at We look forward to hearing from you!

Thank You For Contacting Us!

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